Campus Living Amenities + Services
We offer many services to our residents

Residential Life Handbook
View our handbook for helpful information regarding living on campus.

Expectations, Rights & Responsibilities
Here you'll find your expectations, rights and responsibilities plus the resident handbook.

Leadership + Involvement
As a resident you'll have the opportunity to be involved through leadership roles.
Other Useful Information
List of Amenities + Services
- Community Lounges and Lobbies
Community lounges and lobbies are for use of all students in an assigned community. Residents are encouraged to not leave personal items unattended in lounges and to be respectful of the space. Students are responsible for cleaning up any personal trash and disposing of it properly. Cleaning charges may be assessed to the floor community for excessive cleaning or removal of trash.
- Housekeeping and Maintenance
Housekeeping provides cleaning and sanitation services to common areas and community restrooms during business hours. In the event that excessive cleaning is needed in a public area (i.e. hallway, stairwell, lounge) or the surrounding grounds of the building, community charges could be assessed for the cost of the cleanup.
The Residential Life maintenance team assures our facilities are in top working order at all times. If you have a problem with something in your room or common area, please notify the Reception Center to fill out a maintenance request. Most requests will be handled during business hours, Monday-Friday, but emergency concerns will be addressed as quickly as possible.
- Internet
All resident rooms and lounges have wireless internet access. While wireless is available, signal strength can vary depending on the student’s device and distance from the wireless access point.
Resident rooms also feature Ethernet ports which require device registration prior to use. IT can be reached for help or questions at 620-341-5555 or IMPORTANT: Residents are not permitted to set up wireless routers in residence hall rooms.
- Laundry
Laundry is free to all residents. Coinless laundry facilities are located in each housing area. Students are encouraged to remain near the laundry facility for the duration of both washing and drying cycles. Residential Life is not responsible for lost or damaged laundry. Abandoned laundry will be disposed of periodically throughout the academic year.
Mail is delivered Monday-Saturday and distributed by the Reception Center staff.
The Towers Complex includes North Tower, South Tower, Singular and Trusler Residence Halls.- Abigail Morse Mailing Address
Resident's Name
1500 Morse Dr
Room Number
Emporia, KS 66801
- Towers Mailing Address
Resident’s name
Building and Room Number (ex. South Towers, room 202 OR ST 202)
1501 Market St.
Emporia, KS 66801Building Mailing Codes:
North Tower: NT
South Tower: ST
Trusler: TRU
Singular: SNG
- Schallenkamp Mailing Address
Resident’s name
Building Wing and Room Number (ex. North Schallenkamp, room 202 OR N202)
1230 Market St.
Emporia, KS 66801- Meal Plans
Emporia State University contracts with Sodexo to provide food service on campus. Reductions to your meal plan can only be made at very specific times: during enrollment for each semester and at the end of the fall semester. You may increase your meal plan at any time during the semester. Please go to the Memorial Union ID Center to complete the appropriate paperwork or call 620-341-5859. More information about Sodexo, meal plans, and other information about food service can be found by visiting the dining page.
- Reception Center
For the convenience, assistance, and safety of students in the halls, each complex has a reception center (RC). This center can provide access to mail and package service, assist with lock-outs, fill out maintenance requests, and check out a variety of recreational and cleaning equipment. The RC also collects lost and found items. Items not collected will be disposed of at the end of each semester.
See the RC at its complex location for hours of operation.
- Vending Machines
Vending machines are located throughout the residence halls. These machines are not stocked or serviced by Residential Life. Any issues or concerns, including refund requests, should be directed to the Memorial Union ID Center on the first floor of the Memorial Union by calling 620-341-5859.
- Lockouts
The reception center assistant can assist you if you have been locked out. They will verify your name matches the resident of that room and will escort you to unlock the door. You will have to supply your Hornet Card to verify your identity; if the card is locked in the room, they will ask you to present it after they have let you into the room. The first two lockouts are free. Each additional time is $10, billed to your university account.
- Guest Policy
Please see ResLife Handbook for full guest policy.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What do I need to do before I am placed in a room?
Before you are placed in a room, you must have completed and signed a housing contract, submitted your prepayment, and sent your meningitis compliance records to Student Wellness on campus. Room placements will be sent to your ESU student email.
- Is my housing prepayment refundable?
Yes, the deadline for refunds is listed in the housing contract.
- How do I get a parking pass?
Parking passes can be purchased by going to Hornet 365, selecting the Students tab, and clicking the Parking box. You will need your vehicle’s license plate information.
- When will I know my room assignment and roommate?
Your room assignment and roommate’s name and information will be sent to your student email.
- Can I loft or bunk my bed?
Yes! Lofting/bunk requests can be submitted during the summer before fall semester on the ResLife portal.
- When is mail delivered?
Each of our residence halls has a reception center that sort mail for residents. Mail is delivered Monday through Saturday. Mail and packages can be picked up at the reception center.
- Are there kitchens available for residents to use?
Yes! There is at least one community kitchen per residence hall.
- If there is an emergency, who can I contact?
ESU Police and Safety can be called at any time at 620-341-5337. Residential life staff members are also available to assist. Emergency numbers are posted in each residence hall.