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ASD Certificate

Program of Study

The ASD graduate certificate requires 12 graduate credit hours. It can be completed either independent from or as a part of a master’s degree.

Family members of persons with ASD who meet the program admissions requirements may also complete the program.

Required Courses (6 credit hours)

SD 760
Strategies for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders 3 hrs
SD 730XB
ASD: Medical Issues & Trends 3 hrs


Elective Courses (6 credit hours from the following)

SD 805
Advanced Behavior Interventions 3 hrs
SD 720
Assistive Technology 3 hrs

RE 730

Medial Aspects of Disability

3 hrs

RE 732

Psychosocial Aspects of Development and Disability

3 hrs
PY 851 Seminar in Behavior Management 3 hrs
PY 722
Theories of Learning 3 hrs

SD 703

Special Topics in Special Education 3 hrs


Proposed Course Scheduling


SD 760 Strategies for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders 3 hrs
RE 730
Medical Aspects of Disability 3 hrs
PY 722 Theories of Learning 3 hrs


SD 805 Advanced Behavioral Interventions 3 hrs
SD 703 Special Topics in Special Education 3 hrs


RE 732
Psychosocial Aspects of Development and Disability 3 hrs
SD 703XB ASD: Medical Issues & Trends 3 hrs
PY 851 Seminar in Behavior Management 3 hrs
SD 720 Assistive Technology 3 hrs


Course Descriptions

SD 760 Strategies for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (3 hrs)
This course will provide the candidate with descriptions and applications of methods and strategies for teaching students with autistic spectrum disorders. Candidates will participate in a variety of activities to demonstrate knowledge and skills to meet the academic, social, and behavioral needs of learners in primary through secondary levels. Candidates will learn educational programming techniques, implementation, and evaluation of appropriate interventions in a variety of roles including consultation and co-teaching.
SD 703XB Medical Issues & Trends (3 hrs)
This course provides an overview of medical issues related to autism spectrum disorder. More specifically, it focuses on the unique cognition, sensory, and medical profile these persons present. The course provides strategies parents and professionals can use to establish a team of professionals who can support these children’s development giving him or her the opportunity to live well, learn, interact, and thrive.
RE 730 Medical Aspects of Disability (3 hrs)
Provides medical information about disabling conditions and introduces students to medical terminology. Includes knowledge of the etiology, prognosis, methods of treatment, effects of disabling conditions and implications for the rehabilitation professional. Relationships of other health related personnel to medical services and comprehensive rehabilitation are also emphasized.
SD 805 Advanced Behavior Interventions (3 hrs)
(Prerequisites; SD 802 or PY 851.) This course provides a practical guide to experienced teachers, teachers-in-training, parents, and paraprofessionals for applying behavior management techniques both in general and special educational settings and in the home. The course focuses on the principles of behavior management and their application in the educational programs, as well as in the home.
SD 720 Assistive Technology (3 hrs)
The purpose of this course is to explore the use of assistive technology to meet the needs of students with exceptionalities and in the rehabilitation process. The course will address assistive technology assessment procedures, differentiating instruction using assistive technology, using assistive technology for students to compensate for their disabilities, assessing the effectiveness of assistive technology, addressing the need for assistive technology through the I.E.P. process, and applying assistive technology to daily living skills and rehabilitation goals.
RE 732 Psychosocial Development and Disability (3 hrs)
This course focuses on understanding the psychosocial process involved in adjusting to disability. The major characteristics of disability that impact adjustment will be explored as well as stage theories typically cited when referencing the adjustment to disability. Social, environmental, and political factors that impact how persons with disabilities are viewed in society will be discussed. A developmental approach will be taken as life stages will be explored. The impact that disability has on personality development, sexual functioning, families, and social functioning will also be covered.
PY 851 Seminar in Behavior Modifications (3 hrs)
The course concentrates on the history, principles, procedures, and applications of behavior management techniques to settings such as schools, homes, day-care centers, hospitals, businesses, and industry. Additionally, functional behavioral assessment, behavioral intervention plans, outpatient applications, and self-management techniques are included.
PY 722 Theories of Learning (3 hrs)
The major theories of learning are analyzed, compared, and evaluated in light of current research.
SD 703 Special Topics in Special Education (3 hrs)
(A sub-title will be assigned for each special topic offered.) The course will be taught on demand to provide in-depth consideration of specialized topics and current issues in Special Education.