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Office of the Registrar Grade + Honor Roll

Learn more about grading + Honor Roll policies


Grades are recorded as follows: A (superior), B (good), C (medium), D (inferior), F (failure), W (withdrawal), I (incomplete), IP (In Progress),  N (no credit), P (passing), S (satisfactory), U (unsatisfactory), and V (visitor or audit). Grade points are computed according to the following system: A=4.0, A-=3.7, B+=3.3, B=3.0, B-=2.7, C+=2.3, C=2.0, D=1.0, and F=0.

The "S" grade indicates completion of a course, but the hours do not count toward the number of hours required for the degree. The "V" grade indicates the student has successfully audited the course. A grade of "VN" means all conditions of the audit were not met. Courses which have been audited cannot be used to satisfy course or hour requirements toward a degree. A "Y" grade means the instructor did not turn in the grade. A "T" grade indicates that the course was not completed when the grades were processed.  The "IP" in progress grade extensions are used in graduate classes identified by the college/school as requiring research, etc.


The grade "I" (incomplete) is given only for personal emergencies which are verifiable and when the student has done passing work in the course. The student has the responsibility to take the initiative in completing the work and the student is expected to make up the "incomplete" as soon as possible during the following semester.

Except for graduate research, thesis, or the equivalent, all incomplete work must be finished by the end of the following full semester (summer sessions are not considered a full semester for purposes of this deadline). During the initial extension period, a student may submit a written petition for an extension of one additional semester during which an incomplete grade may be removed. In the most exceptional cases, the faculty member with the written approval of the division chair, may grant the request for an extension. an extension beyond two semesters will require the approval of the dean of the school or college in which the course was offered. (The granting of an extension will not be routine.) Individual instructors may establish earlier deadlines for completion of the work. Students who do not complete the unfinished work by the established deadline will have the grade of "F" entered on the transcript and will be required to re-enroll to earn credit in the course.


A student who is repeating a course should do so at the next enrollment.  When a course is repeated, the grade points and hours of the most recent course will be used in the cumulative GPA calculation.


The semester honor roll has the following characteristics and requirements:

  1. To qualify for the Semester Honor Roll, undergraduate and second bachelor students must earn a
    minimum 3.80 semester grade point average in at least 12 graded hours.  The Semester Honor Roll is determined in Spring and Fall terms only.
  2. Only letter grades of A, B, C, D, or F have an impact on grade point average.
  3. The words "Honor Roll" will appear on the student's semester grade report and on the semester academic
    record.  The Office of the Registrar is responsible for determining who is included in the honor roll.