Humanity First
At ESU we believe in equal justice + humanity first
School of Everyone is Welcome
Emporia State will continue to pursue every opportunity to actively engage with students and in our community to make progress in the fight against social injustice.
What you can do:
- Acknowledge the need to address systemic patterns of prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism resulting in unfair treatment in your sphere of influence.
- Invest time and energy in learning. Resources below to get you started.
- Engage in meaningful ways including conversation and peaceful action.
Humanity First Discussions

Alumni PRIDE Panel
Watch the Alumni PRIDE Panel and learn about 50 years of LGBTQ+ pride at Emporia State.
White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism
Diangelo, Robin (Author) Dyson, Michael E (Foreword)
ISBN 9780807047422 (eBook) ISBN 9780807047415 (Paper)
The Fire Next Time
Baldwin, James
eISBN 978-0-8041-4972-3
How to Be an Antiracist
Kendi, Ibram X
ISBN 9780525509295 (eBook) ISBN 9780525509288 (Paper)
Stony the Road: Reconstruction, White Supremacy, and the Rise of Jim Crow
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr.
ISBN 9780525559559 (Paper) ISBN 9780525559542 (eBook)
Superior: The Return of Race Science
Saini, Angela
ISBN 9780807076910 (Paper) ISBN 9780807076941 (eBook)
Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor
Saad, Layla F
ISBN 9781529405088 (eBook) ISBN 9781529405095 (Paper)
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, 10th Anniversary Edition
Alexander, Michelle
ISBN 9781620971949 (eBook) ISBN 9781620971932 (Paper)
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?
Tatum, Beverly Daniel
ISBN 9780465060689 (Paper) ISBN 9781541616585 (eBook)
Dying of Whiteness: How the Politics of Racial Resentment Is Killing America's Heartland
Metzl, Jonathan M
ISBN 9781541644960 (eBook) ISBN 9781541644977 (Paper)
Articles + Web Pages
What Can We Do to Combat Anti-Black Racism in the Biomedical Research Enterprise?
National Council For Behavioral Health
It's Time to Talk: Forums on Race™
Global Scholars Distinction Program
Video Spotlight: Uncomfortable Conversations With A Black Man Pt.1
Social Media
LISTEN: #BlackintheIvory Co-Founder Brings Attention To Racism In Academia