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Emporia State University

Gwen Larson, Director of Media Relations
620-341-5528 |

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Campus Buzz From President Allison D. Garrett

Feb. 19, 2020 Administration

Dr. Jim Persinger, professor of psychology, and Kaylee Lacey, freshman pre-nursing major, were interviewed in November for NBC’s Today Show about parents using the Life360 app to keep track of their adult children. The finished package aired Jan. 7.

Campus Buzz From President Allison D. Garrett

Feb. 7, 2020 Administration

Ed Eilert (BSB 1962, MS 1962) was named an Outstanding Kansas Citian of the Year by The Native Sons and Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Eilert is chair of the Johnson County Board of County Commissioners. The award is designed to recognize individuals who have contributed to the well-being and/or historic preservation of the greater Kansas City metro area, through their professional work, civic engagement or volunteerism, or who have simply become part of Kansas City’s history.

President Garrett Elected NCAA DII Presidents Council Vice Chair

Jan. 28, 2020 Administration

Emporia State University President Allison Garrett was elected vice chair of the NCAA Division II Presidents Council at the conclusion last week of the NCAA’s annual meeting. Garrett joined the Presidents Council at its April 2017 meeting.

Campus Buzz From President Allison D. Garrett

Jan. 22, 2020 Administration

Carly Bowden, an Emporia State alumna who was inspired in high school to become a math teacher, won a $25,000 Milken Educator Award on January 9. Bowden (BSE 2015) teaches at Andover Central Middle School. She is shown above with Brad Nicks (BSE 2009), who was Bowden’s high school math teacher when he received a Milken Award.

Campus Buzz From President Allison D. Garrett

Dec. 18, 2019 Administration

ESU students kicked off finals week with the traditional Late Night event in the Memorial Union. ESU administrators and Police & Safety officers worked in the Hornets Nest so students had energy for studying!

Campus Closed Monday

Dec. 15, 2019 Administration

The Emporia State campus is closed Monday, Dec. 16, 2019, because of weather.

Campus Buzz from President Allison Garrett

Dec. 4, 2019 Administration

Dr. Joan Brewer, ESU interim dean of The Teachers College and professor of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, co-wrote “Splash, Spin, Sprint,” a school curriculum for ages 6 through 12. Launched by USA Triathlon, the curriculum is a esource for physical educators as well as a call-to-action to address the growing health problems related to physical inactivity and obesity among American youth. Billy Mills Middle School in Lawrence is piloting the program.

Campus Buzz from President Allison Garrett

Nov. 21, 2019 Administration

The opening of a fully licensed Starbucks is a welcome addition to the Memorial Union. Since the ribbon cutting at 9 a.m. November 12, a line in the store has been the norm. Funded by Sodexo, which holds ESU’s dining services contract, the store created 18 new student jobs to staff its hours of 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday.