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Emporia State University

Gwen Larson, Director of Media Relations
620-341-5528 |

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John ‘Doc’ Baxter Athletic Training and Human Performance Lab will give ESU students unique learning experience

Sept. 12, 2024 Foundation

For 45 years, the late John “Doc” Baxter cared for Emporia State University’s student-athletes and taught athletic training to generations of students. On Sept. 21, ESU will honor his remarkable legacy when it holds a ribbon-cutting and open house for the John “Doc” Baxter Athletic Training and Human Performance Lab. Located on campus in the HPER Building, the renovated lab will offer students in two academic programs a state-of-the-art, hands-on learning experience featuring an array of modern equipment that will help them acquire professional skills.

ESU’s Annual Music Gala supports scholarship fund

Sept. 3, 2024 Foundation

The community is invited to join Emporia State students, faculty and staff for a joyous, uplifting musical experience at the Annual Music Gala Benefit Concert at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 14.

ESU Breaks Ground on New Nursing Building with Focus on Students

April 24, 2024 Foundation

While hailing the groundbreaking of a new Nursing + Student Wellness building at Emporia State as a landmark moment in the university’s history, featured speakers continued to shine the focus on ESU students as both the future and why decisions are being made.