Emporia State University’s 61st Summer Theatre season continues with “Things My Mother Taught Me,” a charming new romantic comedy by Katherine DiSavino. “Things My Mother Taught Me” follows the story of Olivia (Lauren Bergman, St. Joseph, Missouri) and Gabe (Brock Boudoin, Georgetown, Texas) who are moving into their first apartment together, halfway across the country in Chicago. But their moving day doesn’t go quite the way they planned, and things become even more complicated when their parents surprise them by showing up to help!
“Can a two bedroom apartment contain all of the love, laughs, worry and wisdom that's about to happen? This brand new comedy takes a generational look at relationships, and how sometimes parents are passing their best lessons on to their children without even meaning to. Funny and touching, this one will make you laugh out loud and fall in love all over again.”
“Things My Mother Taught Me” is under the direction of Jim Bartruff. Rick Rasmussen joins ESU Summer Theatre again this year to design scenography for the production. Costume supervision is provided by Amanda Dura and technical direction is provided by Chris Lohkamp. Elizabeth Kennell (Belton, Missouri) is the production stage manager and Courtney Romero (Piper) is her assistant. Other cast members include Alayne Weber (Topeka), Michael Juarez (Omaha, Nebraska), Miranda S. Nation (Winfield), Logan Wohlford (Valley Center) and Tyler Lang (Wichita).
“Things My Mother Taught Me” runs June 24 – 27 at 7:30 pm in the Karl C. Bruder Theatre. For tickets or more information, call the box office at 620-341-6378.