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Office of Institutional Effectiveness General Education Assessment Team

General Education Assessment Team

The General Education Assessment Team (GEAT) is assigned specific tasks on an annual basis to assess the integrity of the General Education Program at the goal level. These teams are determined by a set of criteria based upon the goal being assessed and the relationship to the appointed faculty members discipline. The expertise of the GEAT is aligned with the types of assessments being pursued with the goal of improving and evolving the General Education Program over time. The GEAT reports findings and recommendations to the General Education Council.


Academic Year 2021-2022

The focus of General Education Program Assessment at the goal level for AY2022 includes reviewing the courses making up the curriculum to evaluate whether or not the courses should remain a part of the curriculum. Currently, there are ninety-three (93) courses which can be identified to fulfill general education requirements. Thirty-six of these courses have been selected for evaluation during the spring of 2022. An evaluation instrument has been designed by the Assistant Provost and is based on the six General Education course requirements (policy handbook). An OnBase form will be used to collect specific course information submitted by faculty assigned to instruct the chosen courses. This GEAT project is planned to span two academic years (2022 and 2023).

Academic Year 2020-2021

The charge for the 2020-2021 General Education Assessment Team was to review, edit, and revise the AAC&U Value Rubrics aligned with the ESU General Education Program Goals. This work required individual and small group exercises scheduled throughout the year. Unlike previous years GEAT's, formal meetings were zoom working sessions held through the fall and spring semesters. The revised rubrics will be used to assess student learning outcomes for the general education program goals. The revised general education program goals and model will be implemented in the fall 2022 semester.

Academic Year 2019-2020



Academic Year 2018-2019



Academic Year 2017-2018



Academic Year 2016-2017

